Become an Amazon Product Tester: 5 Sites to Start Your Journey in 2023

What is an Amazon Product Tester

If you’re an avid Amazon shopper, you may have come across product reviews from “verified purchasers” or “Amazon Vine Voices.” These reviews are from people who have tested the products for free in exchange for their feedback. This process is called Amazon product testing.

An Amazon product tester is someone who receives free or discounted products from Amazon sellers or manufacturers in exchange for their feedback and reviews.

The product tester is expected to thoroughly test the product and provide honest and unbiased feedback, both positive and negative.

The purpose of product testing is to help sellers and manufacturers improve their products and gain exposure on Amazon by generating more reviews and ratings. Becoming an Amazon product tester can be a great way to try new products before they are released to the public and earn exclusive discounts and deals on Amazon products.

A. Importance of Becoming an Amazon Product Tester

As an Amazon product tester, you get access to new products before they hit the market, and you can provide valuable feedback to the manufacturer. You also get to keep the products you test, which can save you a lot of money in the long run.

B. Overview of the Article

In this article, we’ll show you how to become an Amazon product tester and provide an overview of the five best sites to get started in 2023. So, if you’re interested in trying out new products and sharing your opinions, keep reading!

5 Sites to Get Started as an Amazon Product Tester

5 Sites to Get Started as an Amazon Product Tester

If you’re interested in becoming an Amazon product tester, here are five sites to get started in 2023:

A.  Amazon Vine

Amazon Vine is Amazon’s official product testing program. It’s open to people who have a history of writing helpful and insightful reviews on Amazon.

·        Requirements and Application Process

To join Amazon Vine, you need to have an active Amazon account with a minimum of $50 in spending over the past year. You also need to have a history of writing helpful reviews with a minimum of five non-deleted reviews. Once you meet these requirements, you can apply to join Amazon Vine by filling out an application form.

The application process can take several weeks, and not everyone is accepted into the program. Amazon looks for reviewers who have a history of writing high-quality and helpful reviews, so it’s important to showcase your writing skills in your application.

·        Tips for Increasing Your Chances of Approval

To increase your chances of being accepted into Amazon Vine, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Write high-quality and helpful reviews on Amazon.
  • Focus on writing reviews for products that you’re genuinely interested in.
  • Be patient, and don’t give up if you don’t get accepted right away.
  • Check your email frequently for updates on your application status.

B. Vipon

Vipon is a website that offers discounts on a wide range of products on Amazon. It also has a product testing program that allows you to test products for free in exchange for your feedback.

·        Overview of Vipon’s Product Testing Program

Vipon offers a wide range of products for testing, including electronics, home and kitchen products, beauty and personal care, and more. Once you find a product you want to test, you can request it by clicking the “Get Coupon” button. Vipon will then send you a coupon code that you can use to purchase the product on Amazon.

After you receive the product, you’ll need to test it thoroughly and provide feedback on its quality and performance. You can do this by writing a review on Amazon and providing detailed feedback to the manufacturer.

·        How to Register and Start Testing Products

To register with Vipon, all you need to do is create an account on their website. Once you’ve signed up, you can start browsing the available products and requesting coupons for the ones you want to test.

C. AMZDiscover

AMZDiscover is a website that offers a product testing program for Amazon reviewers. It allows you to test products for free in exchange for your honest and unbiased feedback.

·        Explanation of AMZDiscover’s Product Testing Program

AMZDiscover offers a wide range of products for testing, including electronics, home and garden, beauty and personal care, and more. Once you receive the product, you’ll need to test it thoroughly and provide detailed feedback to the manufacturer.

·        How to Sign Up and Start Testing Products

To sign up for AMZDiscover, you need to have an active Amazon account with a history of writing detailed and informative reviews. Once you meet these requirements, you can create an account on AMZDiscover’s website and start browsing the available products.

When you find a product you want to test, you can request it by clicking the “Apply” button. AMZDiscover will then review your application and notify you if you’re selected for the testing program.

When you receive the product, make sure to test it thoroughly and provide detailed feedback to the manufacturer.

D.  Snagshout

Snagshout is a website that offers discounts on a wide range of products on Amazon. It also has a product testing program that allows you to test products for free in exchange for your feedback.

·        Explanation of Snagshout’s Product Testing Program

Snagshout offers a wide range of products for testing, including electronics, home and kitchen products, beauty and personal care, and more. Once you find a product you want to test, you can request it by clicking the “Get Coupon” button. Snagshout will then send you a coupon code that you can use to purchase the product on Amazon.

After you receive the product, you’ll need to test it thoroughly and provide feedback on its quality and performance. You can do this by writing a review on Amazon and providing detailed feedback to the manufacturer.

·        How to Register and Start Testing Products

To register with Snagshout, all you need to do is create an account on their website. Once you’ve signed up, you can start browsing the available products and requesting coupons for the ones you want to test.


REBAID is a website that offers a product testing program for Amazon shoppers. It allows you to test products for free or at a discounted price in exchange for your honest feedback.

·        Overview of REBAID’s Product Testing Program

REBAID has a variety of products available for testing, including electronics, home and kitchen products, beauty and personal care, and more. Once you find a product you want to test, you can request it by clicking the “Apply for Discount” button. After you receive the product, you’ll need to test it thoroughly and provide feedback on its quality and performance.

·        How to Register and Start Testing Products

To register with REBAID, all you need to do is create an account on their website. Once you’ve signed up, you can start browsing the available products and requesting discounts for the ones you want to test.

Requirements for Becoming an Amazon Product Tester

If you’re interested in becoming an Amazon product tester, there are a few requirements you should be aware of. Here are the main requirements to get started:

A. Amazon Account

In order to become an Amazon product tester, you’ll need to have an Amazon account. This will allow you to browse product tests and leave reviews for the products you test. If you don’t already have an Amazon account, you can create one for free by going to the Amazon website and following the prompts to sign up.

B. Active Participation in Online Communities

Many Amazon product testing sites require that you are an active member of online communities, such as forums, social media groups, and online review platforms. This is because they want to ensure that their testers are knowledgeable about products and can provide valuable feedback. To increase your chances of being selected for product tests, make sure to participate in relevant online communities and build your reputation as a trusted and knowledgeable reviewer.

C. Qualifying for Product Tests Based on Demographic

Amazon product testing sites often require that you meet certain demographic criteria, such as age, gender, location, or occupation. This is because the sellers and manufacturers want to target their products to specific groups of people. To increase your chances of being selected for product tests, make sure to fill out your profile completely and accurately, including your demographic information. This will help the testing sites match you with products that are relevant to your interests and needs.

Benefits of Being an Amazon Product Tester

As an Amazon product tester, there are several benefits you can enjoy. Here are some of the main advantages:

A. Access to Free Products

When you become an Amazon product tester, you get to test out products for free in exchange for your feedback. This means you can try out new products before they hit the market, and you get to keep the products you test.

·        Explanation of How Amazon Product Testing Works

Amazon product testing works by matching product testers with manufacturers who are looking for feedback on their products. Once you’re approved as a product tester, you’ll receive emails or notifications about products you’re eligible to test. You can then choose which products you want to test and provide feedback on.

·        Types of Products Available for Testing

The types of products available for testing vary widely and can include anything from electronics and appliances to beauty and skincare products.

B. Opportunity to Earn Money

In addition to free products, you can also earn money as an Amazon product tester. Some product testing programs offer monetary compensation in addition to free products.

·        How to Monetize Your Product Testing

You can also monetize your reviews by becoming an Amazon affiliate and earning a commission on sales generated from your reviews.

·        Factors That Affect Your Earning Potential

Factors that affect your earning potential include the number of reviews you write, the quality of your reviews, and the demand for the products you test.

C. Improving Your Reviewing Skills

Another benefit of becoming an Amazon product tester is that it can help you improve your reviewing skills.

·        Importance of Honest and Comprehensive Reviews

When you test products, you have to provide honest and comprehensive feedback that can help the manufacturer improve the product. This requires you to pay attention to details and write clear and informative reviews.

·        How Product Testing Helps You Become a Better Reviewer

Over time, as you test more products and write more reviews, you’ll develop a better understanding of what makes a good product and how to communicate your thoughts effectively. This can be useful if you’re interested in pursuing a career in product testing, reviewing, or writing.

Tips for Successful Amazon Product Testing

If you’re interested in becoming an Amazon product tester, here are some tips to help you be successful:

A. Follow the Guidelines

When you’re selected to test a product, it’s important to read and understand the guidelines for the testing program. Each program may have different rules and requirements, so it’s essential to follow them carefully.

·        Importance of Reading and Understanding the Rules

Following the guidelines ensures that you’re providing the necessary feedback to the product manufacturer, as well as adhering to the program’s rules.

·        Consequences of Violating the Guidelines

Violating the program’s guidelines may result in disqualification from future testing opportunities and may also impact your reputation as a reviewer.

B. Be Honest and Unbiased

When providing feedback on a product, it’s essential to be honest, and unbiased. The manufacturer needs your honest opinion to make improvements to their product.

·        How to Provide Honest and Helpful Feedback

To provide helpful feedback, make sure to test the product thoroughly and document any issues you find. When writing your review, provide specific details about your experience with the product, including what you liked and didn’t like.

·        The Importance of Avoiding Bias and Conflicts of Interest

It’s essential to avoid conflicts of interest when testing a product. If you have a relationship with the manufacturer or have a financial interest in the product, it may impact your review and cause bias.

C. Test Products Thoroughly

To provide helpful feedback, it’s essential to test the product thoroughly. Depending on the type of product, there may be different best practices for testing.

·        Best Practices for Testing Different Types of Products

For example, when testing electronics, it’s important to test all features and settings thoroughly. For food products, it’s important to test the taste, texture, and cooking instructions.

·        How to Document Your Testing Process and Results

Documenting your testing process and results can help you provide more detailed feedback and help you remember your experience with the product.

D. Give Feedback Promptly

When you receive a product to test, it’s essential to provide feedback promptly. The manufacturer is looking for timely feedback to make improvements to their product.

·        Importance of Timely Feedback

Delaying feedback can delay the manufacturer’s ability to improve the product or make changes for future versions.

·        How to Communicate Effectively with the Product Manufacturer

When communicating with the product manufacturer, make sure to provide specific and detailed feedback. Be polite and professional in your communication, and provide suggestions for improvement where possible.

Get Free Products and Make Money with Amazon Product Testing

A. Summary of the article

Amazon product testing can be an exciting opportunity for those interested in trying new products and sharing their feedback. By signing up for a product testing program, you can gain access to free products, earn money, and improve your reviewing skills.

In this article, we covered five sites that you can use to get started with Amazon product testing. We also provided tips for successful product testing, including following the guidelines, being honest and unbiased, testing products thoroughly, and providing feedback promptly.

B. Final thoughts on Amazon product testing.

If you’re interested in becoming an Amazon product tester, we encourage you to start testing products and sharing your feedback. Not only can you help manufacturers improve their products, but you can also help other consumers make informed purchasing decisions.

Remember to read and follow the guidelines, be honest and unbiased in your feedback, test products thoroughly, and provide feedback promptly. With these tips, you can become a successful Amazon product tester and enjoy the benefits of this exciting opportunity.

To increase your chances of being selected for product tests, make sure to fill out your profile completely and accurately, including your interests and demographic information. Additionally, write detailed and thoughtful reviews of the products you test to build a positive reputation on the site.

In addition to receiving free products, some product testing sites also offer cashback rewards for testing products, which can be a great way to earn some extra money.

Amazon product testing can be a fun and rewarding way to try out new products, build your reputation as a trusted reviewer, and even earn some extra income. So why not get started today?

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the requirements for becoming an Amazon product tester?

The requirements may vary depending on the product testing program. However, most programs require that you have an active Amazon account with a history of writing detailed and informative reviews. Some programs may also require that you have a specific demographic, such as being a pet owner or having a certain income level.

2. Can I keep the products I test?

In most cases, you will be able to keep the products you test. However, some programs may require that you return the products after testing. Make sure to read the guidelines carefully to understand the requirements.

3. How much money can I make as an Amazon product tester?

The amount of money you can make as an Amazon product tester varies depending on the program and the products you test. Some programs may offer a flat rate for each product test, while others may offer a percentage of the product’s sales. Make sure to read the guidelines carefully to understand the payment structure.

4. How long does it take to receive products to test?

The time it takes to receive products to test can vary depending on the program and the availability of products. Some programs may send products immediately, while others may have a waiting list for certain products.

5. How often can I apply for product testing opportunities?

Most programs allow you to apply for product testing opportunities as often as you’d like. However, make sure to read the guidelines carefully to understand the program’s rules regarding the frequency of applications.

6. What happens if I violate the program’s guidelines?

Violating the program’s guidelines may result in disqualification from future testing opportunities and may impact your reputation as a reviewer. Make sure to read and follow the guidelines carefully to avoid any issues.

7. Can I choose which products I want to test?

In most cases, you will be able to choose which products you want to test. However, some programs may have limited availability of certain products or may assign products to testers based on their demographics or review history.

8. How do I know if a product testing opportunity is legitimate?

There are many legitimate product testing programs available, but there are also scams to be aware of. Make sure to research the program before signing up, and look for reviews or feedback from other testers. You should also be wary of any programs that require you to pay a fee or provide personal information beyond your Amazon account.

9. How can I increase my chances of being selected for product testing opportunities?

To increase your chances of being selected, make sure to have a complete and detailed Amazon profile with a history of writing informative and helpful reviews. You should also apply for as many product testing opportunities as you can and provide specific details in your application about why you would be a good fit for the product.

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