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Blogging and Vlogging: Can You Do Both?

Blogging and Vlogging: Two Sides of the Content Creation Coin

Have you ever wondered about the difference between blogging and vlogging? At first glance, they may seem like two distinct activities: one involves writing and publishing text-based articles, while the other involves creating and sharing videos. However, they share many similarities and can complement each other well. In this article, we’ll explore the world of blogging and vlogging, why they are often seen as separate, and how you can combine the two to create even better content.

Blogging and Vlogging: What Sets Them Apart?

Before we dive into how to combine blogging and vlogging, let’s first define what each term means and what sets them apart.

A. Blogging

Blogging refers to the act of writing and publishing content on a blog, which is a website that features a series of articles or posts. Blogs can cover a wide range of topics, from personal experiences to news and politics, and can be written by individuals or teams. Here are some examples of popular blogs:

Blog articles are typically written in a conversational tone and can range in length from a few hundred to several thousand words. They often include images, videos, and links to other sources to provide context and enhance the reader’s experience.

B. Vlogging

Vlogging, on the other hand, involves creating and sharing videos on a regular basis. The term “vlog” is short for “video blog” and can be used to refer to both the videos themselves and the platforms that host them, such as YouTube or Vimeo. Here are some examples of popular vlogs:

Vlogs can cover a wide range of topics, from beauty and fashion to travel and gaming. They often showcase the vlogger’s personality and lifestyle and can range in length from a few minutes to over an hour.

C. Comparison of Formats and Content

While blogging and vlogging differ in their formats and mediums, they both share some similarities in terms of the type of content they produce. Both are often used as a way to share ideas, stories, and opinions with a broader audience. They can also both be used as a means of monetization through sponsorships, advertising, and affiliate marketing.

In the next section, we’ll explore the benefits of combining blogging and vlogging and how doing so can help you reach a wider audience and enhance your content.

The Benefits of Combining Blogging and Vlogging


While blogging and vlogging can both be powerful tools for content creation, combining the two can help you reap even greater rewards. Here are some advantages of combining blogging and vlogging:

1. Access to a Wider Audience

By combining blogging and vlogging, you can reach a wider audience and cater to different types of content consumers. Some people prefer to read articles, while others prefer to watch videos. By providing both, you can cater to both types of readers/viewers and increase your overall reach. Moreover, different social media platforms often prefer different types of content. For example, Instagram and TikTok are more video-oriented, while Twitter is more text-oriented. Combining blogging and vlogging allows you to share your content across multiple platforms and maximize your exposure.

2. More Ways to Express Creativity

Blogging and vlogging each have their own unique creative challenges and opportunities. By combining them, you can explore a wider range of creative expression and keep things fresh for both yourself and your audience. For example, you could create a blog post about a topic and then create a video that expands upon it. Alternatively, you could create a video that provides a visual demonstration of a concept and then write a blog post that delves into the details. The possibilities are endless.

3. Opportunity for Collaboration

By combining blogging and vlogging, you can collaborate with other bloggers and vloggers who share your interests and values. This can lead to cross-promotion, guest posts, and other opportunities that can help you reach a wider audience and build relationships with other content creators. Collaboration can also be a great way to combine your skills and knowledge to create more valuable and engaging content.

4. Diversification of Income Streams

By combining blogging and vlogging, you can diversify your income streams and make money from multiple sources. For example, you could monetize your blog with affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or advertising and monetize your vlog with YouTube ads or sponsored videos. By diversifying your income streams, you can create a more stable and sustainable revenue stream that isn’t reliant on a single source of income.

The Challenges of Combining Blogging and Vlogging

While combining blogging and vlogging can be beneficial, it also comes with its own set of challenges. Here are some of the main challenges and how to overcome them:

1. Time Management

Creating high-quality content takes time, and combining blogging and vlogging can make it even more time-consuming. You need to dedicate time to research and writing for your blog, as well as planning, filming, and editing for your vlog. To overcome this challenge, it’s crucial to have a clear schedule and plan ahead. Create a content calendar that outlines your blog and vlog topics for the month, and block off dedicated time for each. This will help you stay organized and manage your time more effectively.

2. Equipment and Technical Skills

Vlogging requires equipment such as a camera, microphone, and editing software, which can be costly and require technical expertise. While it’s possible to create high-quality vlogs with just a smartphone, investing in a few key pieces of equipment can significantly improve the quality of your videos. Additionally, learning how to use editing software and how to shoot and edit videos can be a steep learning curve. To overcome this challenge, start small and gradually build up your equipment and skills. Invest in one piece of equipment at a time, and focus on improving one aspect of your video production at a time, such as lighting or audio.

3. Finding the Right Balance Between Written and Visual Content

Combining blogging and vlogging means that you need to find the right balance between written and visual content. Some topics lend themselves better to blogging, while others are better suited for vlogging. It’s essential to think carefully about which format will best communicate your message and cater to your audience. To overcome this challenge, experiment with different types of content and track your results. Monitor which types of content perform well and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Tips for Successful Blogging and Vlogging

To be successful at combining blogging and vlogging, it’s valuable to have a clear strategy and follow some best practices. Here are some tips for successful blogging and vlogging:

1. Planning and Organizing Content

Before creating any content, it’s essential to plan and organize your ideas. Create a content calendar that outlines your blog and vlog topics for the month, and schedule time to create each piece of content. This will help you stay organized and on track and ensure that you’re consistently producing high-quality content.

2. Utilizing Different Platforms and Social Media

To maximize your reach and exposure, it’s important to utilize different platforms and social media. Share your blog and vlog content across all of your social media channels, and consider repurposing content for different platforms. For example, you could create a shorter version of your vlog for Instagram or Twitter or create a blog post that summarizes your latest vlog.

3. Consistency in Posting

Consistency is key when it comes to building an audience and establishing your brand. It’s important to post regularly and consistently, whether that’s daily, weekly, or monthly. This will help your audience know what to expect from you and establish trust.

4. Engaging with Your Audience

Engaging with your audience is a critical component of successful blogging and vlogging. Respond to comments and messages, and encourage your audience to participate in the conversation. This will help you build relationships and establish a loyal fan base.

In the final section, we’ll provide some examples of successful bloggers and vloggers who have combined the two and how they did it.

Examples of Successful Blogging and Vlogging

combining vlogging and blogging

To help inspire you to combine blogging and vlogging, here are some examples of successful bloggers and vloggers who have done it well:

1. The Sorry Girls

The Sorry Girls is a DIY and lifestyle blog and vlog run by two friends, Kelsey and Becky. They post content that ranges from DIY tutorials and home decor to fashion and lifestyle. Their strategy is to create blog posts that complement their vlog content and vice versa. For example, they might create a blog post with detailed instructions for a DIY project and then create a vlog that provides a visual demonstration. They also have a strong social media presence and engage with their audience through comments and messages.

2. Ashley Brooke

Ashley Brooke is a lifestyle blogger and vlogger who covers a wide range of topics, from fashion and beauty to home decor and travel. Her strategy is to use her blog to provide in-depth content and her vlog to showcase her personality and behind-the-scenes footage. For example, she might create a blog post that provides a detailed review of a product and then create a vlog that shows how she uses it in her everyday life. She also engages with her audience through Instagram stories and Snapchat.

3. Chriselle Lim

Chriselle Lim is a fashion and lifestyle blogger and vlogger who has built a successful brand through her elegant and sophisticated content. Her strategy is to use her blog to provide in-depth content and her vlog to showcase her personality and daily life. She also uses her vlog to provide tips and advice on fashion and beauty, which she expands on in her blog posts. She has a strong social media presence and engages with her audience through comments and DMs.

By analyzing these examples, we can see that successful bloggers and vloggers who combine the two types have a clear strategy and use each medium to complement the other. They also engage with their audience and have a strong social media presence.


Blogging and vlogging are powerful tools for content creation, and combining the two can help you reach a wider audience, express your creativity, collaborate with others, and diversify your income streams. While combining the two comes with its own set of challenges, following best practices and learning from successful examples can help you overcome them. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your content to the next level, combining blogging and vlogging is a great way to enhance your content and grow your brand.


Sony Peterson
Sony Peterson
Meet Sony Peterson, a dedicated husband and father of two incredible children: a boy and girl. As an expert personal finance and real estate blogger, Sony has been motivating people to take control of their finances and invest wisely. Sony has been in the real estate industry for over 12 years, specializing in marketing for tax appeals and commercial brokerage. His keen sense of opportunity has allowed him to build an enviable career within this sector. Sony's passion for personal finance stems from his own early struggles with bad credit. At one point, his credit score dropped as low as 440 due to lack of financial education. But Sony was determined to turn things around and embarked on an educational journey covering every aspect of personal finance. Over the last 15 years, Sony has dedicated himself to studying personal finance, exploring every facet of it. He is an expert in credit repair, debt management and investment strategies with a passion for imparting his knowledge onto others. Sony started his blog as a way to document his personal finance journey and motivate others to take control of their own financial futures. He uses it as an outlet to offer practical tips and advice on topics ranging from budgeting to investing in real estate. Sony's approachable and relatable style has earned him a place of trust within the personal finance community. His readers value his honest perspective, turning to him for advice on achieving financial independence. Today, Sony is an esteemed personal finance and real estate blogger dedicated to helping people make informed decisions about their finances. His enthusiasm for teaching others shows in every blog post, with readers trusting him for valuable insights and advice that can assist them in reaching their financial objectives.